EI News and Notes

Su Sun Testifies in a Chinese Court

On April 25-26, 2018, EI Vice President Su Sun testified at the Guangdong High People’s Court. Dr. Sun testified on behalf of YY Inc. in its high-profile appellate case against NetEase Inc. related to the live streaming of video games.

First Meeting of the Utility of the Future Rates Group Held

The first Utility of the Future Rates Group (“UFRG”) meeting was successfully held in San Francisco on April 26-27, 2018. Over 20 utility directors and managers from private and publicly-owned utilities across the United States and Canada gathered to discuss critical issues and approaches related to innovation in electricity rates and programs that will facilitate the transition to a system with increasing Distributed Energy Resources. EI’s Senior Vice President Amparo Nieto and Principal John Morris presented at the meeting. The next UFRG meeting will be held in the Fall. For more information about the group please visit https://ei.com/utility-future-rates-group/.

Su Sun speaks on an ABA panel updating standard essential patent litigation in China

China has become a hot litigation battlefield for SEP owners and prospective licensees. In an ABA webinar on February 9, 2018, Dr. Su Sun was among several lawyers and economists discussing their first-hand experiences litigating SEP cases in China.