EI Principal Stephen Siwek Participates in a Panel Discussion on Creation and Innovation Sponsored by the Center for American Progress and Comcast.

On September 21, 2010, the Center for American Progress hosted a panel discussion entitled, “The Creative Economy: How to Keep the Fuel of Creation and Innovation Burning.”  Mr. Siwek was a discussant on the panel and answered questions regarding the steps that policymakers can take to ensure that Americans gain the economic benefits from jobs and growth in the creative and entertainment industries.  Mr. Siwek has particular expertise in the economic analysis of the U.S. motion picture industry and of the related U.S. industries that depend on the effective protection of copyrights.  Since 1990, Mr. Siwek has published twelve studies on behalf of the International Intellectual Property Alliance (“IIPA”) that analyzed in detail the economic importance of the U.S. “copyright” industries (including the motion picture industry) to the US economy.