Dr. Smith gave a presentation on antitrust economics related to market definition, market power, and competitive effects, and on relevant empirical/econometric aspects on a panel titled “Economics and Econometric Fundamentals.” Dr. Smith has extensive experience in matters related to the economics of antitrust. He has testified in several cases regarding market definition and market concentration. W. Jeffrey Schmidt from Linklaters LLP in New York, NY was the session chair and Norman Armstrong, Acting Deputy Director of the Bureau of Competition of the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, DC was the moderator. The Antitrust Section of the American Bar Association sponsored the Spring Meeting, held April 21-23, 2010 in Washington DC. More than 2000 lawyers and economists from across the United States and many foreign countries attended.
Home / News and Updates / EI Vice President, David D. Smith gives a presentation titled “Market Definition and Antitrust Analysis: Economics and Econometric Fundamentals” at the 58th Antitrust Law Spring Meeting.