David A. Argue

Managing Director


B.A. American University
M.A. University of Virginia
Ph.D. University of Virginia

While at Secretariat Economists, Dr. Argue has analyzed competition and performed damages analyses in various health care markets for government merger reviews and private antitrust litigation. He has also taught MBA-level courses in the economics of health care at the Carey Business School of Johns Hopkins University and authored several articles and presentations on health care competition matters. Among the health care areas in which Dr. Argue has consulting experience are hospitals, physician practices, ambulatory surgery centers, health insurance, prostheses, and pharmaceuticals. Dr. Argue’s recent experience includes trial testimony in FTC v. Otto Bock HealthCare. He also testified at trial in Saint Alphonsus et al. and FTC v. St. Luke’s Health System and before the Utah legislature about health care markets in Utah [click here]. Dr. Argue co-authored an article in Antitrust magazine entitled “Cross-Market Health Care Provider Mergers: The Next Enforcement Frontier” (Fall 2015). Among the other articles authored by Dr. Argue are “Reexamining DOJ’s Predation Analysis in United Regional” (Antitrust Health Care Chronicle, January 2012), “An Innovative Approach to an Old Problem: Hospital Merger Simulation” (Antitrust magazine, Fall 2009) and “An Economic Model of Competition Between General Hospitals and Physician-owned Specialty Facilities” (Antitrust Bulletin, Fall-Winter 2007). Dr. Argue has also delivered numerous presentations and published other articles on topics involving health care economics issues.

Dr. Argue has performed competition and damages analyses in other industries as well, including cement, propane distribution, grocery stores, copper production, funeral homes, pesticides, telecommunications, newspapers, steel and industrial controls.  He has also conducted damages analyses in several employment-related matters.

In addition, he has expertise in environmental matters including commercial damages estimates in the Exxon Valdez oil spill, assessment of natural resource damage claims, and class certification in environmental litigation. Dr. Argue  authored an article entitled “The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Seafood Prices” that appeared in the November 2010 issue of Environmental Law Reporter. Previously he co-authored a book entitled The Economics of a Disaster: The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.