Siwek, S. E. and G. R. Mosteller
Billing and Collection for 900-Number Calls: A Competitive Analysis, for the Billing Reform Task Force, September 1999.
Sun, S.
‘Is Firm Growth Proportional or Disproportional? A Theoretical Reconciliation,’ Presented at the 25th Midwest Mathematical Economics Meetings, 1999.
Walker, J. L.
American Bar Association Antitrust Section Annual Meetings, April 14, 1999 – Presentation concerning the economic foundations of antitrust law.
Su, Tessie
“Interactions of Investments in Human Capital and Innovation,” Paper delivered at the 1999 Latin American Econometric Society Summer Meeting, August, 1999.
Siwek, S. E.
“Changing Course: Meaningful Trade Liberalization for Entertainment Products in GATS” Presented at World Services Congress 1999, November 1, 1999.
Ivory, A. M.
The Effect of TRA86 on Labor Supply and Taxpayer Compliance, Presented at the 1998 AEA meetings in Chicago.
Morris, J. R.
Comments, Revised filing Requirements Under Part 33 of the Commission’s Regulations, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Docket No. RM98-4-000, August 21, 1998.
Morris, J. R.
Comments, Agency Information Collection and Dissemination Activities: Comment Request, U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, August 28, 1998.
Morris, J. R.
“Why We Should Use Computer Models to Unveil Market Power,” Presented at the Sixth DOE-NARUC National Electricity Forum, Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, September 16, 1998.
Morris, J. R.
“Use of Computer Simulation Models to Unveil Market Power,” Presented to staff of the Federal Trade Commission, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC, April 10, 1998.
Sun, S.
“Does a Longer Vertical Chain Strengthen the Strategic Effect in a Market of Differentiated Products?” Presented at the Summer Research Seminar, Department of Economics, University of Michigan, 1997.
Morris, J. R.
“Use of Computer Simulation Models to Unveil Market Power: The Primergy Case,” Presented to the Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC , December 8, 1997.
Morris, J. R.
“Use of Computer Simulation Models to Unveil Market Power,” Presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Institute of Public Utilities, Williamsburg, Virginia, December 3, 1997.
Morris, J. R.
“New Approaches to Controlling Distribution Company Market Power,” Presented at the New York Energy Efficiency Council Conference on Innovative Solutions to a Changing Energy Market, New York Athletic Club, February 7, 1997.
Morris, J. R.
“Mergers and Market Power,” Presented at the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates Mid-Year Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, June 9, 1997.
Fenton, K.M. and B.C. Harris
“Vertical Integration and Antitrust in Health Care Markets,” Presented at the Sixty-Eighth Annual Western Economic Association Conference, June 23, 1993. Reprinted in The Antitrust Bulletin, Summer 1994.
Hurdle, G. J.
“Predation in the Airline Industry,” Paper presented to the Sherman Act Section 2 Committee of the American Bar Association, August 1993.
Argue, D.A. and B.C. Harris
“Misunderstanding the Role of Competition in Controlling Health Care Expenditures,” Presented at the 1993 Annual Meetings of the American Bar Association, August 9, 1993.
Nelson, P. B.
“Antitrust – The Underlying Economics,” ABA Antitrust Section Meetings, Spring 1992 and 1993.
Harris, B. C.
“An Economist’s Perspective of the Kodak Decision,” Remarks before the Antitrust Section of the New York State Bar Association, January 1993.
Siwek, S. E.
“The Dimensions of the Export of American Mass Culture” Presented at The New Global Popular Culture, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, March 10, 1992. Broadcast on “C-Span,” reported in AP Wire Service, Business Week, The American Enterprise, follow-up radio interview etc.
Morris, J. R.
“Let’s Make Merger Policy ‘Fully Consonant With Economic Theory’,” Presented at a Contemporary Policy Issues Session of the Western Economics Association’s 67th Annual Conference, July 1992.
Harris, B. C.
“Analyzing Competitive Effects under the 1992 Horizontal Merger Guidelines: The Role of Factors Other than Concentration,” Remarks before the Practicing Law Institute, November 1992.
Morris, J. R.
“Advertising Restrictions as Rent Increasing Costs,” Presented at a Contemporary Policy Issues Session of the Western Economics Association’s 67th Annual Conference, July 1992.
Walker, J. L.
National Economists Club Educational Foundation, “What Effect Will Financial Restructuring Have on Banks?” August 13, 1991 – Moderator.
Morris, J. R.
Discussant, Western Economics Association’s 66th Annual Conference, July 1991.
Nelson, P. B.
“The Merger Review Process,” ABA Antitrust Section Meeting, Spring 1991.
Mirrow, S. M.
“The Financial Restructuring of Acquiring Firms Which Complete Major Mergers or Acquisitions,” Presented at the Applied Microeconomics Workshop, University of Wisconsin, 1990.
Nelson, P. B.
“Reading Their Lips: Changes in Antitrust Policy under the Bush Administration,” Western Economics Association Meetings, June 1990.
Langenfeld, J. and Morris, J. R.
“Horizontal Restraints Cases at the Federal Trade Commission: From American Medical Association through the Present,” Presented at the 60th Annual Conference of the Southern Economics Association, November 1990.
Siwek, S. E.
“Europe 1992 and Beyond: Prospects for U.S. Film and Television Employment” Presented at EC 1992: Implications for U.S. Workers, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs and The Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C., March 19, 1990.
Morris, J. R. and G. R. Mosteller
“Defining Markets for Merger Analysis,” Presented at a Contemporary Policy Issues Session of the Western Economics Association’s 65th Annual Conference, cosponsored by the Antitrust Bulletin and the Antitrust and Trade Regulation Section of the Federal Bar Association, July 1990.
Langenfeld, J. and Morris, J. R.
“Analyzing Agreements Among Competitors: What Does the Future Hold?” Presented at a Contemporary Policy Issues Session of the Western Economics Association’s 65th Annual Conference, co-sponsored by the Antitrust Bulletin and the Antitrust and Trade Regulation Section of the Federal Bar Association, July 1990.