Nelson, P.B., J.M. Gale, G.R. Mosteller and S.E. Siwek
Released a new study, “RETAILER PAYMENT SYSTEMS: RELATIVE MERITS OF CASH AND PAYMENT CARDS,” finding that retailers that adopt a cash-only strategy make fewer sales, of smaller dollar-value, yet still incur costs associated with handling cash. Click the following to see the Press Release or Executive Summary. For the full study, Click Here.
Siwek, S. E.
“Measuring the U.S. Internet Sector,” Prepared for the Internet Association (See Full Report).
Siwek, S. E.
“Copyright Industries in the U.S. Economy: The 2011 Report,”Prepared for the International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) (See Full Report).
Siwek, S.E.
“Video Games in the 21st Century: The 2010 Report” Published by the Entertainment Software Association, 2010 (See Full Report).
Baumann, M.G. and J.M. Gale
“Economic Analysis of the Regulation of MVPD Navigation Devices,” Submitted to the Federal Communications Commission, 2010.
Argue, D.A.
The BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Seafood Prices The BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a disaster of unprecedented proportions. The commercial and natural resources damages that will arise from the spill may ultimately be of similarly unprecedented proportions. The Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989 is often compared as the closest, if imperfect, historical example of how the Gulf spill will be treated. After the Exxon Valdez spill, fishermen claimed pure economic damages related to alleged depression of seafood prices in addition to losses from forgone catch in closed fisheries. These types of pure economic losses are allowed under the Oil Pollution Act (‘OPA’) of 1990 and are likely to be among those litigated in the BP Deepwater Horizon spill. To quantify such claims, it will be necessary to estimate the seafood prices that would have prevailed if the spill had not occurred. A study prepared for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Liability Fund after the Exxon Valdez spill undertook a comprehensive, multi-model estimation of price effects for twelve species of seafood in several fisheries at different levels of production. It based the estimation of price effects on the fundamental supply and demand forces that determine prices of Alaska seafood. This modeling approach could serve as a template for the pure economic losses arising from the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. View PDF of Article.
Malowane, L.A. and S.E. Siwek
“E-commerce Tax Study,” September 2009.
Siwek, S.E.
‘Copyright Industries in the U.S. Economy: The 2003-2007 Report,’ Prepared for the International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA), 2008. See Full PDF Report.
Siwek, S.E.
“True Cost of Recorded Music Piracy to the U.S. Economy”, Published by IPI in August 2007.
Morris, J.R.
“Efficacy of Vertical Integration in Energy Industries with Applications to Proposed Standards of Conduct for Transmission Providers,” submitted to FERC by Santee Cooper in Docket No. RM07-1-000, March 30, 2007.
Morris, J.R.
“New Wisconsin Power and Light Company Coal Unit Effect on Wholesale Competition in WUMS,” submitted to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin by Wisconsin Power and Light Company in Docket No. 6680-CE-170, February 7, 2007.
Siwek, S.E.
“Copyright Industries in the U.S. Economy: The 2006 Report,” January 2007.
Siwek, S.E.
“The True Cost of Sound Recording Piracy to the U.S. Economy, Policy Report 188,” Institute for Policy Innovation, August 2007.
Siwek, S.E.
“The True Cost of Copyright Industry Piracy to the Us. Economy, Policy Report 189,” Institute for Policy Innovation, October 2007.
Nieto, A.
“Responding to EPAct 2005: Looking at Smart Meters for Electricity, Time-Based Rate Structures, and Net Metering,” Sponsored by Edison Electric Institute, May 2006.
Siwek, S.E.
“The True Cost of Motion Picture Piracy to the U.S. Economy,” Published by IPI in September 2006.
Argue, D.A.
“Competition in Utah Health Care Markets,” Report to the Privately Owned Health Care Organization Task Force of the Utah Legislature. May 2006.
Mikkelsen, K.W and M.G. Baumann
“Response to Comments Regarding Economic Consequences of Retransmission Consent,” submitted to the Federal Communications Commission in MB Docket No. 05-28, March 31, 2005.
Mikkelsen, K.W and M.G. Baumann
“Preemption of Core Children’s Programming Among CBS, FOX and NBC Affiliated Stations,” submitted to the Federal Communications Commission in MM Docket No. 00-167, February 2, 2005.
Siwek, S.E.
“Engines of Growth: Economic Contributions of the U.S. Intellectual Property Industries,” Commissioned by NBC Universal. 2005.
Greulich, E.E.
“Quality of Life Estimates for U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Evidence from the 1980-2000 PUMS,” August 2005.
Greulich, E.E.
“Explaining Housing Premiums: Does the Evidence of Amenities and Population Characteristics Support “Equilibrium” Theories of Housing and Labor Markets?” August 2005.
Greulich, E.E.
“Construction of 1980-1990-2000 Individual-Level Dataset and Extension of Constant-Geography Metropolitan Area Definitions to 2000,” August 2005.
Greulich, E.E. and co-author
“Housing Subsidies and the Tax Code: The Case of Mortgage Credit Certificates,” Working Paper #W02-004, U.C. Berkeley Program on Housing and Urban Policy, August 2005.
Baumann, M.G. and K.W Mikkelsen
“Benefits of Bundling and Costs of Unbundling Cable Networks,” Economists Incorporated, July 2004.
Baumann, M.G. and K.W Mikkelsen
“The Fair Market Value of Local Cable Retransmission Rights for Selected ABC Owned Stations,” Economists Incorporated, July 2004.
Owen, B.M. and J.M. Gale
“Cable Networks: Bundling, Unbundling, and the Costs of Intervention,” Economists Incorporated, July 2004.
Owen, B.M.
“Confusing Success with Access: ‘Correctly’ Measuring Concentration of Ownership and Control in Mass Media and Online Services,” (May 2004) Stanford Law and Economics Olin Working Paper No. 283, SIEPR Policy Paper No. 03-026.
Siwek, S.E.
Copyright Industries in the U.S. Economy: The 2004 Report, (Released in October 2004).
Hurdle, G.J., M. Guerin-Calvert, and I.C. Jernigan
Economic Analysis of DOT Proposals to Change the CRS Rules, Appendix to Comments of Galileo International in Response to Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Docket OST-97-2881, March 17, 2003.
Morris, J.R.
“Weston 4 Effect on Wholesale Competition in WUMS,” submitted to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin by Wisconsin Public Service Corporation in Docket No. 6690-CE-187, September 26, 2003.
Owen, B.M. and G. Rosston
“Local Broadband Access: Primum Non Nocere or Primum Processi? A Property Rights Approach,” (July 2003). Stanford Law and Economics Olin Working Paper No. 263. SIEPR Policy Paper No. 02-037 Brookings-AEI Joint Center Related Publication No. 03-19.
Owen, B.M.
“Statement on Media Ownership Rules,” Economists Incorporated. Filed at FCC January 2, 2003.
Owen, B.M., K.W Mikkelsen, A.M. Ivory
“News and Public Affairs Programming Offered by the Four Top-Ranked Versus Lower-Ranked Television Stations,”Economists Incorporated. Filed at FCC January 2, 2003.
Owen, B.M., K.W Mikkelsen, R. Mortimer, and M.G. Baumann
“Effect of Common Ownership or Operation on Television News Carriage, Quantity and Quality,” Economists Incorporated. Filed at FCC January 2, 2003.
Owen, B.M., M.G. Baumann, R. Mortimer, and K.W Mikkelsen
“Comments on FCC Ownership Study #10,” Economists Incorporated. Filed at FCC January 2, 2003.
Owen, B.M., M.G. Baumann, and R. Mortimer
“Comment On FCC Ownership Study #4,” Filed at FCC January 2, 2003.
Owen, B.M. and M.G. Baumann
“Concentration Among National Purchasers of Video Entertainment Programming,” Economists Incorporated. Filed at FCC January 2, 2003.
Owen, B.M. and K.W Mikkelsen
“Counting Outlets and Owners In Milwaukee: An Illustrative Example,” Economists Incorporated. Filed at FCC January 2, 2003.
Owen, B.M., M.G. Baumann, and A.M. Ivory
“Preemption By O&Os Compared To Affiliates,” Economists Incorporated. Filed at FCC January 2, 2003.
Argue, D.A. and co-authors
“Economic Analysis of Healthcare Cost Studies Commissioned by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association,” Prepared for American Hospital Association. February 2003.
Owen, B.M., M.G. Baumann, and K.W Mikkelsen
“Economic Comments on Media Ownership Issues,” Economists Incorporated. Filed at FCC February 3, 2003.
Owen, B.M., M.G. Baumann, and K.W Mikkelsen
“The Project for Excellence in Journalism’s PEJ Study of Ownership and Quality of Newscasts: A Critique,” Economists Incorporated. Filed at FCC March 13, 2003.
Owen, B.M., M.G. Baumann, and K.W Mikkelsen
“Affiliate Clearances, Retransmission Agreements, Bargaining Power and the Media Ownership Rules,” Economists Incorporated. Filed at FCC April 21, 2003.
Owen, B.M., M.G. Baumann, and R. Mortimer
“The Effect of Controlling for Frequency Band (UHF/VHF) When Comparing the Quantity of Local News and Public Affairs Programming on Television Broadcast Network Owned and Operated Stations Relative to Network Affiliate Stations,” Economists Incorporated. Filed at FCC May 12, 2003.
Owen, B.M. and J. Portillo
“Legal Reform, Externalities and Economic Development: Measuring the Impact of Legal Aid on Poor Women in Ecuador,” (May 2003). Stanford Law and Economics Olin Working Paper No. 255; Stanford Law School, Public Law Working Paper No. 55. SIEPR Policy Paper No. 02-032.
Owen, B.M.
“Competition Policy in Latin America,” (October 2003). Stanford Law and Economics Olin Working Paper No. 268. SIEPR Policy Paper No. 03-003.
Nelson, P. B. (chair, with others)
The Economics of Innovation: A Survey, ABA Taskforce Report, 2002.
Siwek, S.E.
Copyright Industries in the U.S. Economy: The 2002 Report, (released in April 2002, reviewed and summarized in the Hungarian Journal Iparjogvedelmi Es Szerzoi Jogi Szemle).
Morris, J.R.
“TECO EnergySource Market Share Analysis,” Submitted to FERC by TECO EnergySource, Inc. in Docket No. ER96-1563-017, September 10, 2001.
Morris, J.R.
“A Study of Marketing Affiliate and Other Affiliate Holdings of Firm Capacity on Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines and the Effects on Natural Gas Markets,” April 30, 2001, submitted to FERC by the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America in Docket No. PL00-1-000.
Owen, B. M., et al.
“Comments” in Promoting Efficient Use of Spectrum through Elimination of Barriers to the Development of Secondary Markets, FCC WT Docket No. 00-230, February 7, 2001.
Davis, J. L.
“Mutual Fund After-Tax Returns,” Mercatus Center, George Mason University, Regulatory Studies Program, Public Interest Comment Series, RSP 2000-13, June 28, 2000.
Siwek, S.E.
Copyright Industries in the U.S. Economy: The 2000 Report, (released in December 2000).