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“Diffusion of Technology Among Privately Owned Electric Utilities, 1955-1970,” Michigan State University’s Institute of Public Utilities, 1979.
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“Structural Approaches to the Problem of TV Network Economic Dominance,” 979 Duke Law Journal 191, 1979.
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“Contracts Between a Firm and Its Constituents during Bankruptcy Crises,” Journal of Economic Issues, 1979.
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Mosteller, F. and G. R. Mosteller
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Owen, B. M.
“Diversity in Broadcasting: The Economic View of Programming,” 28 Journal of Communication 43, Spring 1978.
Harris, B. C., A. Masson and R.T. Masson
“Agricultural Cooperatives and Marketing Orders,” Agricultural Cooperatives and the Public Interest, University of Wisconsin, 1978.
Owen, B. M. and M. Spence
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Owen, B. M.
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Grundfest, J. and B. M. Owen
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Owen, B. M. and W. Manning
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Owen, B. M.
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Owen, B. M.
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